What Are Dental Onlays?


Dental onlays, also known as partial crowns, are used to repair teeth that are damaged or decayed. In some cases, an onlay can be used instead of a crown to fix a tooth. If you are looking for a way to repair a damaged tooth, consider dental onlays.

Dental onlays repair a decayed tooth, similar to fillings and crowns. Fillings are used to repair a small cavity, while onlays are best used for larger cavities, where the decay has spread to part of the chewing surface. Crowns are used for severely damaged teeth that have lost some structural integrity. A crown encases the entire outer tooth to protect it from further structural breakdown. Like crowns, an onlay also strengthens the structure of the tooth, but unlike crowns, an onlay covers the cavity as well as one or more of the tooth’s cusps.

The process of having an onlay placed will take two appointments. At the first appointment, your dentist will numb the affected area with a local anesthetic and then remove the damaged part of the tooth. Then they will take an impression of your tooth to be sent to a laboratory where the onlay will be made using porcelain, ceramic, composite resin, metal, or gold. The dentist will place a temporary onlay on the tooth to protect it until the next visit.

You will return for the second visit about a week later when the onlay is ready. After removing the temporary onlay, your dentist will put the permanent onlay in place. They will check your bite to make sure it fits well, then they will bond it to the tooth with dental cement and polish it, so it matches the shade of your natural teeth.

If you think you need a dental onlay, contact My Ogden Dentist in South Ogden, Utah to schedule an appointment!

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