What to Expect and How to Prepare for Oral Surgery


Anxiety is normal when preparing for oral surgery; learning what you can expect can help ease these anxieties and help you feel more prepared. Here are some ways to prepare for oral surgery.


You will need to have someone drive you home after the surgery, due to the lasting effects of the anesthesia. You should also have someone to stay with you for a night or two and to pick up your pain medication and antibiotics from the pharmacy.

Food and Beverages

Your doctor may ask you to fast for eight hours before the surgery if you will be using general anesthesia. If you are going with local anesthesia, you should be able to eat a small meal a few hours before. Brush and floss your teeth before the procedure to minimize the bacteria that can get into the site. After the procedure, you will want soft, bland foods that don’t require chewing or biting.

What to Wear

Wear something loose and comfortable to the procedure. Avoid wearing jewelry, makeup, and contact lenses. Bring lip balm to soothe dry lips after the surgery.


Your doctor may recommend you stop taking blood-thinning medications, as they can prolong the healing process. Your doctor may start you on antibiotics and pain medication just before the surgery to make sure you’re comfortable.

Prepare Your Home and Living Space

Prep your home and living space even before the surgery so you can get comfortable right away after coming home. Have plenty of pillows to keep your head elevated. Place things you may need so they are within reach, such as a book, a game, your cell phone, food, medication, and ice packs.

What to Expect During Recovery

Any pain or swelling should subside after about two days. Call your surgeon if you’re bleeding excessively, or if you have headaches, muscle aches, nausea, or vomiting. Plan to take it easy and avoid any strenuous activity for a few days following the surgery.

For more information on preparing for oral surgery, call or stop by My Ogden Dentist today!

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