How Long Do Sealants Last?


As a parent, you want the best for your child and that includes dental health. It is no easy task to teach oral hygiene to a child, and luckily, dentists have a method that can protect your child’s teeth from cavity-causing bacteria while they are learning to brush and floss. Dental sealants are a coating of composite resin that is applied to the chewing surfaces of the molars and premolars to keep bacteria out. Sealants reduce the risk of cavities by 80%.

With proper care, sealants can safely stay on the teeth for up to 9 years, however, this does not mean they are effective for that entire time. They protect teeth from 80% of cavities in the first two years, and 50% of cavities in years three and four, and decrease in effectiveness after that. Because of this, dental sealants must be examined once every six months. Your dentist will likely make it a part of your semi-annual dental checkup. If your dentist finds that the sealants have lost their effectiveness, they will replace them. Sometimes, a worn sealant can trap bacteria underneath it and a cavity can form.

Sealants lose their effectiveness over time no matter what, however, there are things you can do or not do to increase their lifespan.


  • Brush your teeth every morning and night

  • Floss once a day

  • Visit your dentist every six months


  • Grind your teeth

  • Eat excessively hard foods like ice or corn kernels

  • Use your teeth to open the packaging

If you grind your teeth at night, you can purchase a nightguard from the drugstore or from your dentist to prevent yourself from damaging your sealants and your teeth.

To make an appointment for dental sealants for your child, call My Ogden Dentist!

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