What Is an Orthodontic Screening?

What Is an Orthodontic Screening?

Very few people are blessed with naturally straight teeth; the rest of us must have orthodontic treatment to correct the alignment of our teeth and jaws so that we can chew, speak, and clean our teeth well. In an orthodontic screening, an orthodontist examines the teeth and jaw to determine if a child should have braces or other orthodontic treatment in the future.

First Orthodontic Screening

Children should have their first orthodontic screening by age 7. At this stage, the child has all their baby teeth, and a few adult teeth, so your orthodontist can check for potential crowding issues. They will have begun to establish a bite with their molars, allowing the orthodontist to determine possible bite problems, such as an overbite or underbite, in the future. They will also examine the child’s jaw for any developmental problems.

During the first orthodontic screening, your orthodontist will likely take X-rays of your child’s teeth and jaws. These X-rays give your orthodontist an in-depth view of the teeth, jaws, and airway, so they can track their development and create a customized treatment plan.

When Does Orthodontic Treatment Typically Begin?

Completing an orthodontic screening around age 7 does not mean that they will have orthodontic treatment right away. It is simply to prepare for the possibility of treatment in the future and to allow your orthodontist to monitor the development of the child’s teeth and jaw until the time is right. Some children do benefit from early treatment, but treatment typically begins, at the earliest, once the child has all their permanent teeth, or commonly in their teen years.

To learn more about orthodontic screenings or to schedule an orthodontic screening for your child, call or stop by My Ogden Dentist today!

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